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"Understanding the Basics of Kanban"

Kanban is a visual system for managing work as it moves through a process. Kanban visualizes both the process (the workflow) and the actual work passing through that process. The goal of Kanban is to identify potential bottlenecks in your process and fix them, so work can flow through it as efficiently as possible.

Overview of Kanban

Sometimes referred to as “just-in-time” production, Kanban can increase efficiency and reduce waste. Describing it succinctly, Kanban is all about visualizing the work, limit work-in-progress (WIP), and maximize efficiency(or flow). Kanban lets you ditch the time-based, schedule-oriented mentality and instead focus on constant, continuous flow.

History of Kanban

Kanban originated in Japan during the late 1940s. Toyota aimed at improving and maintaining a high level of production. This new system was called Kanban system, inspired by supermarkets in the USA. Supermarkets stock just enough merchandise to meet the consumer’s demand. This principle and approach to stock control became the backbone for their method. Over time, Kanban has greatly evolved and today is utilized by businesses of all types to improve their processes.

The Principles of Kanban

There are basic principles behind the Kanban system:

  1. Visualize What You Do Today
  2. Visualization is a key Kanban principle, the main aim is to make the workflow transparent and apparent. By visualizing, participants can observe problem areas and abnormalities immediately and correct them.

  3. Limit the Amount of Work in Progress
  4. Limiting WIP encourages quality and avoids the pitfalls of multitasking. Work-in-progress (WIP) refers to the maximum amount of work that is in progress in any segment of the workflow.

  5. Enhance Flow
  6. Once work-in-progress limits are in place, this starts improving the workflow. Any blockage or interruption in the flow is investigated and the team collaboratively finds a solution.

  7. Continuous Improvement
  8. The team should be consistently evaluating their workflow and looking for ways to optimize their process for increased efficiencies.

The Benefits of Kanban

Kanban has turned out to be an effective tool for managing work at individual, team, and organizational levels. Key benefits include:

  • Increased productivity and efficiency
  • Focus on continuous delivery
  • Spot bottlenecks or issues quickly
  • Promotes collaboration and transparency


Kanban is a powerful tool for visualizing and managing work in progress. Its simplicity, flexibility, and real-time communication make it appealing to teams of all sizes and from multiple sectors. By adhering to its principles, any organization can achieve a smoother workflow, increased productivity, and a boost in efficiency.


1. What are some good tools for implementing Kanban?

There are numerous tools online, such as Trello and KanbanFlow, that offer simple and intuitive ways to adopt kanban system to your work.

2. Can Kanban be used in conjunction with other methodologies?

Yes, Kanban is a flexible methodology that can be integrated into other project management methodologies like Scrum and Agile.

3. Is Kanban more suitable for software development teams?

While Kanban got popular due to its usage in software development sectors, it’s versatile enough to be used by teams in any industry that want to streamline their processes and improve efficiency.

4. What is a Kanban card?

Kanban cards are the visual component of a kanban system that represents work items. A card might represent a task, a user story, or some other piece of work that needs to be completed.

5. How often should a kanban board be updated?

As Kanban is a real-time communication tool, the board should ideally be updated as soon as any change occurs with a task.


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