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"Understanding the Basics of Stacks in Programming"

A stack is a fundamental data structure in computer programming, having a profound influence on the design and efficiency of algorithms. This article aims to provide an easy to comprehend overview of stacks in programming and their importance.

What is a Stack?

A stack is a dynamic data structure that follows the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) methodology for handling data. In other words, the most recently added element is the first one to be removed. This concept is akin to a stack of dishes. The latest dish (the topmost one) will be the first dish to be removed from the stack.

Operational Concepts of Stacks

Two essential operations performed on stacks are “push” and “pop”.


The push operation adds an element to the stack. As the element is added, the stack pointer shifts upward, thereby increasing the stack size. If the stack is full and does not have enough space to accommodate the new item, it results in a stack overflow.


The pop operation removes an element from the stack—the element at the top. Once the element is popped off, the stack pointer moves down, reducing the size of the stack. However, if the stack is already empty, trying a pop operation leads to a stack underflow.

Usage of Stacks in Programming

The use of stacks is ubiquitous in programming. Below we list some instances where stacks come into play:

  • Backtracking: Whenever a program needs to handle recursions or needs to backtrack, stacks are the default data structures programmers turn to.
  • Expression Evaluation: Stacks are extensively used in algorithms that require arithmetic expression evaluation.
  • Memory Management: In the low-level aspect of software development, such as in operating systems and embedded systems, memory management is a crucial concept, and stacks play a vital role here.
  • Navigational Help: Ever wondered how ‘undo’ works in software applications, or how you can go back to the previous webpage in a browser? It’s the stack data structure that’s at play.

Types of Stack

There are two types of stacks:

  • Static Stack: The size of the stack is fixed. It is implemented using an array where the maximum size needs to be defined beforehand.
  • Dynamic Stack: The size of the stack can change as required. It is implemented using linked lists


Stacks hold an invaluable place in the realm of computer science and understanding them are crucial to mastering programming. From managing function calls to parsing and evaluating expressions, the use of stacks lies in the very heart of computing. They are simple yet powerful, capable of handling complex tasks. The elegance and simplicity they bring to problem-solving make them one of the fundamental data structures taught while learning programming.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How a Stack operates?

A stack operates under the principle of LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), meaning the element that is entered last into the stack is the first one to be removed.

2. What are the essential operations in a stack?

The most basic operations in a stack are ‘push’ to add an element onto the stack and the ‘pop’ operation to remove an element from the stack.

3. In what scenarios are stacks used?

Stacks are commonly used in scenarios like memory management, backtracking within the system, navigation activities, or in situations where data needs to be stored and retrieved on a base of last in first out mechanism.

4. What is the difference between dynamic and static stacks?

The static stack has a fixed size specified at the start and does not change throughout, whereas the dynamic stack has a size that can increase or decrease depending on the operations performed.

5. What is stack overflow and underflow?

Stack overflow is a situation when the stack is full, and we try to add/push another element into it. Stack underflow, on the other hand, occurs when the stack is empty, and we try to remove/pop an element from it.


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